Кой е Ник Чалдъков?
Ник Чалдъков е арт фотограф от дете. В момента е арт фотограф и преподавател по фотография в Персонално с Ник Чалдъков | Фото курс |
Т о й и м а п о в е ч е о т 3 0 г о д и н и о п и т в ъ в ф о т о г р а ф и я т а . . . |
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I h a v e m o r e t h a n e 3 0 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e i n p h o t o g r a p h y . . . |
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Public Republic |
Artist of the Week — Ник Чалдъков21 февруари, 2011 |
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E d u c a t i o n |
1974 |
First step in photography |
1976 |
First lessons about photography from My Father, university medical school MD, PhD |
- 1981 |
Member of Bacho Kiro School Photography Club, Varna with headman master photographer Sir Dimo Mughilarov |
1982 |
Study art photography at City Photography and Cinema Club, Varna under art photography master Krassimir Delchev |
1983 |
Study art photography under Bulgarian master art photographers Garo Keshishian |
1983 |
Member of Vela Blagoeva School Photography Club, Varna |
1991-1993 |
Study photography at RRC, London, UK, Dr CJ Stratmann, and practice in studio Alan March, London, UK |
1994 |
Study producer cameraman at Youth Photography and Cinema Club, Varna |
E x p e r i e n c e |
Head of Vela Blagoeva School photography club, Varna with director Patronov |
1986 |
Head of Military Photography Club detachment #28230, Burgas |
1994-1998 |
Found "Fantovision", own company for video and photography advertising |
1995 |
"Fantovision" is winner at the national video advertisement competition |
1998 |
Freelance photographer up to now... |
Member of the Photography adn Digital Art Juries for the Master of 2003 Annual Art Award |
2005 |
Found his own skull of photography – Nick Chaldakov Photography School |
My site is used in teaching students |
2002 |
Logan College in Carterville, Illinois, USA - Tutor: Stephen McLaughlin |
2002 |
North Greenville College in Greenville, SC, USA - Tutor: Jim Gardner |
2002 |
Tallahassee, Florida, USA - Student: Ashley Melton |
2002 |
Art College, Southampton, UK - Student: Vicki Lavender |
Photography The Don college, Tasmania, Australia - Student:: Verity Hanson |
West Aurora High School, Aurora, Illinois, USA - Photography student: Mary-Katherine Ream |
2003 |
Palmer High School in Palmer Alaska - Sarah Ellen Jones |
2004 |
Wayzata High School, USA - Photography student: Griffin - photography project |
2005 |
Bradford College, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England - Carol Wood |
E x h i b i t i o n |
1979 |
Exhibition, Gallery TNTM, Varna * first award (1 landscape photography) |
1979 |
Exhibition, Gallery TNTM, Sofia (1 people photography) |
1980 |
Exhibition, Gallery TNTM, Varna * second award (1 people photography) |
1982 |
Exhibition, Gallery SBX, Varna * award (1 people photography) |
1983 |
Exhibition, Gallery SBX, Varna * first award (6 B&W photography) |
1983 |
Exhibition, Gallery NTC, Varna * second award (3 B&W photography) |
1984 |
Exhibition, Gallery SBX, Varna * award (2 people photography) |
1987 |
Exhibition, the military photography club, Burgas (9 B&W photography) |
1996 |
Solo photography exhibition - 20x20, Gallery 6+ Varna * (the best 20 photography from last 20 years) |
1998 |
Exhibition, The Art Gallery Varna - Художествена галерия "Борис Георгиев" Варна (6 photography - Rome people) |
1999 |
Exhibition, The Art Gallery Varna - Художествена галерия "Борис Георгиев" Варна (3 people photography) |
1999 |
Always exhibition at his own Internet Gallery www.chaldakov.com |
2001 |
Exhibition at International Art Expo New York, USA (10 abstract photography) |
2001 |
Exhibition at PHODAR salon, Pleven, Bulgaria - photography Rome Love (1 photography) |
2001 |
Exhibition *SIMPLE ABSTRACT at PHOTOFIESTA, Bulgaria (33 photography) |
2001 |
Solo exhibition SIMPLE ABSTRACT at PHOTOVACCINATION Bulgaria * award (33 photography) |
2001 |
The private view at ART PHOTO SHOP.COM London - photography Samantha with the tree (1 photography) |
2002 |
Exhibition at EXIT ART REACTIONS, New York City, USA (photography Stop of death and Love - 2 photography) |
2002 |
Show Photography Samantha with the tree in Focus on Imaging - UK (1 photography) |
2002 |
West End Show organized by Steve Bicknell in The Global Cafe London (5 photography) |
2002 |
Exit Arts exhibition, Reactions * The Williamson Gallery USA (3 photography) |
2002 |
Solo Photography Exhibition * Desktop Photo Show - D&G Hi-tech center, Varna, Bulgaria (80 photography) |
2002 |
London Show - "The Masons" Battersea Park Road SW8, London, UK - organized by Steve Bicknell (photography) |
2002 |
Solo Photography Exhibition - Desktop Photo Show at PHOTOVACCINATION Bulgaria * award (80 photography) |
2003 |
International Biennale Pleven, Bulgaria * - FIRST AWARD for Desktop Photo Show (80 photography) |
2003 |
National Digital Photography Exhibition in Silvena Art Gallery Ruse, Bulgaria (6 abstract photography - Her food) |
2003 |
National Photography Exhibition INTERNATIONAL SALON VARNA - (My multifaceted face 6 photography) |
2004 |
Solo Photography Exhibition * Desktop Photo Show II - D&G Hi-tech center, Varna, Bulgaria (80 photography) |
2004 |
Advertising Expo Sofia – Bulgaria (10 photography) |
2004 |
National Photography Exhibition INTERNATIONAL SALON VARNA * - FIRST AWARD - TK-80 (4 photography) |
2005 |
Gallery Bulart, Varna, Bulgaria - The Venice (1 photography) |
2005 |
National Digital Photography Exhibition in Silvena Art Gallery Ruse, Bulgaria - The Time (10 photography) |
2005 |
INTERNATIONAL SALON VARNA * Accompany Exhibition Spiritual Blue (10 photography) |
2009 |
Solo Photography Exhibition * SIMPLE ABSTRACT in Silvena Art Ruse, Bulgaria (31 photography) |
2010 |
Exhibition at International Art Plener Kozicheno (Erkech) - Bulgaria (2 photography) |
2013 |
Exhibition TMB' 2013 * Varna, Bulgaria (42 photography) |
2014 |
Exhibition TTMB' 2013 - Burgas, Bulgaria (42 photography) |
2015 |
Exhibition Tour du Mont Blanc - 2' 2015 - Gallery VINART, Varna, Bulgaria (33 photography) |
* Award and notable exhibition |
P r e s s - P u b l i c a t i o n |
Фото Око' 2001 Брой 3 |
Списание Live - София' 2005 Август Бр.22 |
Списани ФО' 2003 Брой 5 София |
В-к. Дума - София' 2006 15 Февруари |
Списание ОК' 2002 Декември |
B-k Черно Море - Варна' 2002 14 Август |
B-k Черно Море - Варна" 2004 3 Юни |
Hokkoku Shinbun - Kanazawa' 2004 Japan
P r e s s - P u b l i c a t i o n |
since 1982 periodical publication in Bulgarian newspapers and magazin - up to now... (in Bulgarian) |
5 art photography by Nick Chaldakov > Culture Art Literature, Bulgarian newspaper |
Фото изложба 20X20 прави Николай Чалдъков > В-к. Черноморие, Брой 103 (in Bulgarian, scanned articles) |
Evaluation Nick Chaldakov photography > Profotos.com Staff Evaluation |
Featured artist of the month> On line magazine www.fineartindex.co.uk - (12 people photography) |
Nick Чалдаков > Фото Око' 2001 Брой 3, photography magazine - 5 photography (in Bulgarian, scanned articles) |
12 people photography by Nick Chaldakov > Photo-Pro online photography magazine (in Englisjh) |
Фотофантазиите на Николай Чалдъков > Cherno More, Varna, Bulgaria - (in Bulgarian) |
Първото Българско Деск Топ Фото Шоу > B-k Черно Море - Варна' 2002 14 Август | ||
Photography interview withe Nick Chaldakov > Art site Aardbei.net - by Pieter Hoogenboom (in Englisjh) |
Interview Nick Chaldakov Guest Artists of the Month > BTDesign Art Gallery (in Englisjh) |
Interview Арт фотографът Ник Чалдъков > Списание ОК' 2002 Декември (in Bulgarian, scanned articles) |
20 години затвор за галерист в Маями > В-к. Труд - София' 2003 9 Август (in Bulgarian,scanned articles) |
Evaluation Nick chaldakov...com > Списани ФО' 2003 Брой 5 София (in Bulgarian, scanned articles) |
Николай Чалдъков - Дедектив > Списание Море' 2003 Брой 1-2 (in Bulgarian, scanned articles) |
Ten Top Statements To Be True Art Photographer > The Art-Bridge (ISSN: 1537-9671) 01.21 (in Englisjh) |
Николай Чалдъков разчупва фото стандарти > B-k Черно Море - Варна" 2004 Юни (in Bulgarian) |
Nick on Japane > Hokkoku Shinbun - Kanazawa' 2004 Japan (in Japan, scanned articles) |
Ник Чалдъков - аутсайдерът > Trans Live (in Bulgarian, scanned articles) |
Evaluation Ник който снима навътре > В-к. Дума - София' 2006 15 Февруари (in Bulgarian, scanned articles) |
Nick Chaldakov > Cult.bg (in Bulgarian) |
Photography and co-author of the book > Човекът : IQ + EQ. Есета и фотографии (in Bulgarian) |
Photography and co-author of the book > Човекът - мисли, чувства, приятелство (in Bulgarian) |
Интервю на Ник Чалдъков за Фотоизлобжбата TMB'2014 по БНТ2 |
Интервю на Ник Чалдъков за Фотоизлобжбата "Портрет на Матерхорн'2015" по БНТ2 |
Other interest and experience since |
1982 |
Poetry |
1983 |
Sealing |
1984 |
Philosophy and psychology |
1987 |
Yoga |
2013 |
DAO Qigong |
C O N T A C T |
O N L I N E |
Small Business CRM by vCita
E U R O P E |
www.chaldakov.com is free photography gallery for you! Sponsor www.chaldakov.com to be free! |
Y o u r L i n k H e r e ! |